
FullCircle.eco is for

Download FullCircle.eco, your digital organiser for a Circular future.

How We Help in the Journey to Circularity

Our Take-Make-Waste linear economy is unsustainable, consuming 100 billion tonnes of materials annually, with over 90% ending up as waste.[1]

E-Waste: The Fastest Growing Waste Stream[2]

  • E-waste has nearly doubled in 12 years, growing from 34 billion kg in 2010 to 62 billion kg in 2022.
  • With increasing digital dependency and 2.6 billion people still lacking internet access, e-waste is expected to reach 82 billion kg by 2030.
Source: Global E-Waste Monitor 2024

The Impact of Our Take-Make-Waste Economy

  • Climate Impact: Manufacturing and disposing of goods in our linear economy drive significant CO2 emissions, fueling climate change.
  • Environmental Impact: Resource extraction and improper waste disposal destroy ecosystems, causing biodiversity loss and pollution, especially with e-waste.
  • Economic Impact: Trillions of dollars are lost, as valuable materials end up in landfills instead of being reused or recycled, leading to massive economic inefficiencies.

The Need for a Circular Economy

Transitioning to a circular economy is crucial to address these impacts:
  • Reducing Carbon Emissions: Energy efficiency and switching to renewable energy address only 55% of global emission reductions. Circular economy transformation is required to tackle the remaining 45%. [3]
  • Preserving Natural Resources: By keeping products and materials in use longer through reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling, we can significantly reduce the strain on natural resources and protect ecosystems.
  • Unlocking Economic Value: Circular practices recover value from materials and products that would otherwise be wasted, creating business opportunities and reducing costs. The metals in global e-waste in 2022 alone were worth an estimated USD 91 billion.

However, despite these benefits, global circularity is declining [4]

The use of secondary materials in the global economy has dropped from 9.1% in 2018 to 7.2% in 2023, a 21% decline in just five years.

At FullCircle.eco, we make Circularity practical and achievable for everyone through:

Effective Use of Warranties – Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

Extension of Product Lifespans through Repairs

Product Circulation at Highest Value with Reuse, Refurbishment and Remanufacture

Waste Reduction via Responsible Recycling

All while helping Save Money!

How We Work

FullCircle.eco is for everyone, especially those who care about the planet.


Enables Consumers, homeowners and tenants, to record key item purchases, warranties, receipts and contracts associated with their home.

Embrace sustainability by prolonging product lifespans,
 all while saving money!
Manage multiple properties seamlessly – anywhere, anytime. Property handover was never this easy!


Enables Professionals such as Real Estate Agents (REAs) and Interior Designers (IDs) to organise and manage their client work, with digital handovers!


Enables Businesses to record key item purchases, warranties, receipts and contracts associated with their business.

Simplify asset tracking and collaborate across teams, while saving money and embracing sustainability!

Circular Economy

The circular economy is a system where materials never become waste and nature is regenerated. In a circular economy, products and materials are kept in circulation through processes like maintenance, reuse, refurbishment, remanufacture, recycling, and composting. The circular economy tackles climate change and other global challenges, like biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution, by decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources.
There are two distinct cycles that constitute a circular economy – a technical cycle and a biological cycle, both of which together resemble a butterfly, hence the butterfly diagram, as depicted in the diagram from Ellen Macarthur Foundation.

Our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Contribution

At FullCircle.eco, we have identified 3 SDGs that resonate deeply with our purpose and strategy. These are key areas where we can make the most positive contribution.

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