
Reimagining the Lifecycle of our Everyday Devices

Old phones

Think about the last time you upgraded your mobile phone. Perhaps it was the allure of a sleek new design, a better camera, or just the excitement of trying out the latest features. Or maybe it was a minor issue with your phone — a line on the screen or a slower performance—that nudged you towards a new purchase. We’ve all been there: the low ball trade-in offers from manufacturers or telecom operators often underwhelm, and concerns about data security make selling in the open market a risky choice. So, what happens? That old phone ends up in a drawer, gathering dust, its potential untapped.

The Bigger Picture

Now, let’s look at the bigger picture. The average mobile phone generates around 65 kg of CO2 equivalent emissions over its lifetime, with 84% of those emissions occurring during the manufacturing process. This means that most of the environmental impact is incurred before the device even reaches your hands. When your old phone sits idle in a drawer, it’s not just wasting space—it’s wasting the significant carbon investment made in its creation, not to mention human effort and water consumption.

To put this into perspective, consider Singapore, a tech-savvy nation with a high rate of mobile ownership. With a population of about 5.9 million people and an average of 1.64 phones per person, we’re talking about roughly 9.7 million devices in use. Multiply this by the 65 kg CO2e emissions per phone, and that’s over 630,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions—just for the phones currently in use in Singapore. In 2024, Singapore is expected to add another 2.4 million new smartphones to the mix, with a carbon footprint of 156,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions. If we include the older devices that are still sitting idle, the impact is even greater.

Now, let’s expand this to a global scale. There are more than 7 billion mobile phone users worldwide. Using the same emissions estimate, this equates to an astounding 455 million tonnes of CO2e emissions just from mobile phones, which is similar to emissions for Brazil which ranks #14 in CO2 emissions by country. And emissions from mobile phones continue to grow as more devices are manufactured and replaced at a rapid pace. The environmental impact of these “small” devices is anything but small.

The Problem Multiplies

Adding other household electronics like tablets, laptops, and smart home devices only compounds the problem. The current system doesn’t incentivize us to extend the life of these products. Manufacturers and OEMs often promote the recycling of old devices but rarely emphasize repair, refurbishment, or resale because it doesn’t align with their sales driven models. They benefit from selling new products, not from making the existing ones last longer. On the other hand, while governments and NGOs recognize the importance of circularity, and are taking steps such as Extended Product Responsibility regulation, they often lack the resources to drive broader adoption, preferring the private sector play its part.

How FullCircle.eco helps in this journey towards a solution. One step at a time!

This is where FullCircle.eco steps in—a responsible and self-sustaining business that fills this critical gap. FullCircle.eco provides consumers with the tools and insights needed to make circularity a practical choice. Our platform empowers users to extend the lifespan of their devices through timely repairs, facilitate refurbishments, and even resell items securely and confidently, knowing that their data is protected. By doing so, FullCircle.eco not only reduces emissions and waste but also enables consumers to make environmentally and financially sound decisions.

Imagine a future where upgrading your phone means you don’t add to the fast growing e-waste pile, where you can easily access repair services, refurbish devices for others to use, and be part of a community that values longevity over the latest fad or trend. By choosing FullCircle.eco, you are not just managing your digital receipts or warranties; you are actively participating in a movement that redefines ownership and value. You’re giving your products a full life, and then one or two more, and in doing so, you’re contributing to a healthier planet.

FullCircle.eco isn’t just another app—it’s a game-changer that makes circularity accessible, actionable, and rewarding for everyone. Join us in leading the dialogue on responsible consumption and become a part of the FullCircle.eco community. Together, we can turn the tide from the linear “take-make-waste” model to a more sustainable, circular future.

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